I just want to thank you guys for getting this done for us so quickly, and providing such great support. I also really appreciated the excellent technicians! They did a fantastic job.

The last thing patients, doctors, medical staff and visitors should be thinking about are the conditions of the environments within a healthcare facility. More than a workplace, hospitals are where patients live and spend time with loved ones. This is why we are so dedicated to bringing our extensive experience of pre-planning and budgeting, design, engineering, installation of complete HVAC systems, plumbing, and controls to every medical project.
Specialized quality assurance program
Knowledge of healthcare certifications to streamline the process
Dedicated and experienced account managers
Innovating the healthcare environment.
A proven approach to the healthcare space.
Our specific expertise includes having several healthcare project managers on staff who hold ASHE’s Certified Healthcare Constructor Certificate, while others are trained to provide Infection Control Risks Assessments (ICRA) to limit risks during construction. Our goal in the medical setting is to maintain regulatory compliance with CMS, State Health, and TJC, reduce capital expenses and create the least amount of occupant disruption possible.